Thomas Lindhqvist
The International institute for Industrial Environmental Economics
Lund University
Thomas Lindhqvist has worked with environmental research and policy since 1984. His main focus has been on environmental product policy and management responses to such policies. He has done substantial work on waste management, recycling and industrial pollution prevention in Sweden, the EU, and the Nordic countries, in Canada, Argentina, India, Georgia, Lithuania, Ukraine, and several other countries. In 1990 he introduced Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) and has subsequently continued to promote the implementation and theory of this policy principle. Besides working with academic research projects, he has worked with, for instance, Swedish Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, when coining the EPR principle in 1990, OECD, Swedish Car Association when developing their proposal for EPR system, as well as several NGOs. He worked a short time in the secretariat of UNECE, and cooperated extensively with UNIDO and UNEP. He defended his PhD on EPR in 2000. He has for almost three decades been working at the International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE) at Lund University in Sweden.